Poopie The Pirate!

With my monkey minnions, I menace the shipping lanes everywhere!

Thursday, July 03, 2003

Leesie had a party, Leesie had a party!

(2003-07-03 14:29) - public

On Saturday I got all dressed up for the party. I wore all my best pirate stuff. I tell ya, Valerie, my lovely mail order bride, was swooooooooning. And we had lots of visitors! Yes indeed!

We got three new friends in the Monkey Posse: Spaced Invader, Ramona, and Sorcha.

Sorcha came with Grant the Wolfman, a gift from his two daughters. She’s pretty delicate, can’t do too much. I think I’m gonna build a forcefield around her, keep her safe, because so many of the minions are kinda rough and tumble. She’ll get hurt.

Spaced invader is really small. He sits in front of the computer monitor and goes back and forth making this weird urkgh-urkgh sound. Mr. Anxiety is a little afraid of him. Of course, Mr. Anxiety is a little afraid of everything, so that’s not new, but even so, Mr. Anxiety is even more disturbed than usual.

Ramona the Romanian Monkey, though, she’s one to jump on ship with me. She’s a gypsy. She came with Rosy Rose. And boy, Ramona jumped outta that bag and started accurately predicting futures in no time flat! I tell ya, that Sock Monkey Psychic Hotline looks nearer and nearer to reality every day!

But the neatest thing was when Joseph the Lumberjack met Ramona. It as LURRRRVVVVVE at first sight!

”Hey!” I exclaimed, which I am famous for exclaiming, ”Joseph! Wake up!” but he was in a trance inspired by LURRRRRRRVVVVE. And they are kinda cute together, the exotic gypsy and the simple, adoring lumberjack. It’s a good thing that Ramona saw stars, too, when she saw Joseph. Hate to see that dust of broken heart floating about.

So anyway, I think I’m gonna sit here and practice creating a forcefield with my mind.


Bah. Nothing. I’ll have to keep working on it.


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