Put Your Cat In the Saddle!
(2002-07-25 17:23) - public
Miguel-san found these cool pictures!
Leesie really wants this book. But it don’t come out until next year.
Hey, you know what? These are the same guys we saw at the Kohler Art Museum ever so very long ago! Whoa! It was cool, and all those monkeys were so neat. They were okay in the glass boxes, although Valerie and I kept offering to break ’em out. I can always use more monkey minions. But no, no, they all said they were all good with just being on display.
You know what? Joseph the Lumberjack and I were down visiting Leesie’s niexces and nephews last week. Whew! What an active bunch. And Joseph loves it there, because the littlest niece, Beth, loves him to bits and carries him everywhere. And she played with me a lot, too, kept making me stand up like I was some sort of Nosforatu. I don’t generally think of myself playing a vampire, but what the heck, standing me up like somebody stepped on a rake was kinda fun
for her.
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